Q: What is Little Read Book Box?

A: Little Read Book Box is a unique, bi-monthly subscription service. Readers will receive a box in the mail every other month that contains a children's book plus 3-5 individually wrapped gifts.  The gifts will have page numbers attached to them and are hand selected for each book in order to truly bring it to life.  We highly encourage our young readers to wait until prompted by the red post-its, that are strategically placed throughout the book, to open their gifts!

Q: What kind of gifts can my child expect to receive in the box?

A: Our boxes will include a variety of useful and significant items.  Every gift will, in some way, pertain to the story they are reading. Some gifts may include jewelry, toys, an edible item, and much more.

*Please note we use a variety of wrapping materials and vendors for the included gifts.  Those with allergies such as latex, peanuts and others are advised to use caution when opening any packages from Little Read Book Box as disclaimers may not listed on each individual package.

Q: What age is Little Read Book Box intended for?

A: Little Read Book Box is designed to be enjoyed by girls between the ages of 8-12 (unless specified otherwise)

Q: If I want to skip a month may I?

A: Of course! If for whatever reason you want to skip a month just email our customer service at Customerservice@littlereadbookbox.com. 

Q: When do boxes ship?

A: Boxes ship out at the beginning of every other month. (For example: February 1-7th, April 1-7th, June 1-7th etc.)

Q: When will I be billed?

A: You will be billed on the 1st of the month prior to your subscription month. (For example: If the subscription month is April, you will be billed on March 1st.)

Q: Will the name of the book be released before we are charged?

A: Absolutely. We will always release the name of the book beforehand so you can approve.

Q: What if I want to cancel?

A: You will be able to cancel your subscription in the customer portal or email us at customerservice@littlereadbookbox.com